
In order to use the IvoryPay API, you must provide an API key. Your API keys are available at the settings page of your dashboard. IvoryPay provides both test and live keys.

Public vs Secret Keys

Note that while almost all of the endpoints can be accessed using a valid public or secret key, some endpoints may only be accessed with the secret key.

Live vs Test keys

The API enables clients to interact with IvoryPay in live and test modes. When using test keys, all Blockchain operations will be transacted on the Solana Devnet. In contrast, all your Blockchain operations will be transacted on the Mainnet when you access the API using your live keys. However, it is important to note that the current environment of your business on the ivorypay dashboard does not supersede the type (Test or Live) of key that you provide when accessing the API. This means that if your business is in Test mode and you supply a live key, the operation you want to perform will be treated as a Live operation, and in the case where the operation applies to the Blockchain, it will be run on the Mainnet.

To obtain live keys for your business, you must complete the KYC process.

Last updated