Initiate a payment link transaction

Here we discuss how you initiate a payment link transaction. A payment link transaction is fundamentally a normal transaction except that this time, it is created within the scope of a Payment Link.

To create a transaction, we must collect the details of the customer and the cryptocurrency in which the customer would prefer to make the payment.


Path Parameters

Request Body

    "success": true,
    "message": "Transaction was initiated successfully",
    "data": {
        "id": "086e3492-679c-4867-aa0a-b755d07ac940",
        "email": "",
        "address": "C26ThRAFrGzkzRTsDoYSNA6CVLPxA37xwsfFwbf3gMVS",
        "reference": "O9qfaNsnm094Gkfqv2wpbou4w8vy1u0r",
        "expectedAmountInUSD": 0.25,
        "expectedAmountInCrypto": 0.25,
        "feeInCrypto": 0.0025,
        "expectedAmountWithFeeInCrypto": 0.2525,
        "crypto": "USDC",
        "baseFiat": "NGN",
        "baseFiatToUSDRate": 0.002,
        "usdToCryptoRate": 0.9999

After initiating the payment link transaction, the rules remain the same to Initiating a regular transaction.

Last updated